Tuesday 25 February 2014

Messing round c:

                                                         Me and scribble messing round xD look where
 The confettie landed o.o it's not letting me do link scribble D: oh we'll ~CrazyScribble.co.uk I think

DONT judge a book by its cover c:

WHY WHY would u do that cause I was bugging u to do it xD anyway now we look swag C:.
We got called "mean" cause the way we look :'( it dosent matter :P in school we were like discussing
Like if a old lady wore a short skirt and stuff what would u think? And we all were like 'that would
Be scary D;' and then my teatcher said I know a man who walks around with his hair in a pony tail
And  wears leather jacket and people judge him :( but it's just his style so remember 'DONT judge a
Book by its cover c:'

Monday 24 February 2014

Bullying (pt 1 xD)

PFTT -.- 


OML GUYS LOOK WHAT I FOUND ON THE APP O.O VERY INTRESTING  ITS VIVIAN O.O if u don't know the story I'll tell you it ;D :Apparently she got hacked and like got deleted but we'll O.o

Tysm swaggerbabe139 ;O

Tysm ;O This was ages ago ;D but Oh well but anyway TYSSSSSM xD